Frequently Asked Questions

What are the application requirements ?

To be a Post-doc

To have a primary source of income

To be living in the host country for less than two years

To send a complete application


How do I submit the application ?

Please go to the Application page and click on the link to submit your application online.


We will answer within...

We will call or email you as soon as a decision has been reached. This will be usually within two or three months after the closing of the session.

Upon grant confirmation, you have to sign "Grant Agreement & Reporting" form indicating that you will send us a written research report summarizing the work done, results obtained and progress made toward achieving the purpose of the grant. You are also required to sign "Payment Receipt Electronic Signature" form for each payment received from the foundation.



New York Office

c/o Transatlantique Private Wealth

520 Madison Avenue, 37th Floor

New York, NY 10022


T. +1 (917) 602-7216



Paris Office

117, Boulevard Sébastopol

75002 Paris


T. (33) 9 81 72 65 79